Tuesday 21 June 2011

Self-Acess Reading Resources for L2 readers

1. Target Student and Proficiency Level: Middle school students_third grade

2. Curriculum:  Middle School ENGLISH 1(이병민, 천재교육)

3. Purpose:
(1) to provide authentic material in-class
(2) to give better understanding of target texts and topics
(3) to build up the students' related vocabulary of topics

4. Category:
This collection of reading materials are organised by Units. For better understanding each Unit reading text, I provide  related sub-reading materials. The five selected chapters are as follows:
1) Lesson1. More Than One Language
2) Lesson 7. Cultural Understanding
3) Lesson 9. It's Such a Pleasure for Me to Learn
4) Lesson 11. Across Siberia to North America
5) Lesson 12. The Little Prince
The topics covered in these lessons are different languages in the world, culture difference, people who overcome their difficulty, scientific expedition, and English literature.

Lesson 1. More than One Language

Key world: Many different types of English in the world, Jamaica, India, The Pacific, Creol, etc.

1. What is Creole? (World Knowledge_reading)
Homepage Information. It is about Creole.

2. The English Language In 24 Accents ((Listening Practice_listening) )
Youtube. There are different accents in English. English has not have only one accent.

3. Global English and the teaching of pronunciation (Creative thinking_reading) http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/think/articles/global-english-teaching-pronunciation:
It says there is not only one form of English. Good for group discussion topic and reading material for the activity.

4. British English vs American English (Word)

5. Types of English Language
Do you speak Indian English, Jamaican English, or... Malaysian English? There are so many "Englishes" in the world!

Lesson 7. Cultural Understanding

Key world: different Culture

1. Different Cultures of the World(World Knowledge_reading)
There are many distinct cultures across the globe that are the essence of various human civilizations. Here is an attempt to give you an insight into different cultures of the world.

2. Cultural Diversity in the Classroom ((Activity Instruction_reading)
With globalism becoming a part of our lives, its effects can be seen on all the major spheres of our lives, including classrooms. This article will try to understand something more about cultural diversity in the classroom and how to promote it.

3. Do's and Taboos of Body Language Around the World(World Knowledge_reading)

4. Body language - Gestures (World Knowledge_listening)
http://youtu.be/Mi6h8zktO1s  (UCC)

5. Cultural misunderstandings (Group discussion_listening)
http://youtu.be/F_N1Cmt_QB0  (UCC)

Lesson 9. It's Such a Pleasure for Me to Learn
Key world: 역경을 극복한 사람들, 본받을 만한 위인, Martin Luther King, Muhatma Gandhi

1. Martin Luther King "I have a dream" (Listening Practice)
The full version of Martin Luther King's famous "I have a dream" speech.

2. Muhatma Gandhi (Reading Material for Group discussion)
The article will throw some light on Mahatma Gandhi facts in a bid to introduce students to some of the lesser known aspects of his life and after reading this, we can discuss him in a group.

3. Hellen Keller (Reading Material for Group discussion)
The life of Helen Keller illustrates how a person can overcome tremendous obstacles as shown in her success in living a productive life in spite of blindness and deafness.

4. Barack Obama: Yes We Can (Listening Practice, Listening Practice)
I myself it is the best speech of OBAMA!!!!!!!!

5. Famous Leadership Quotes
Here we come up with some famous leadership quotes that can motivate and inspire you to achieve your goals.

Lesson 11. Across Siberial to North America
Key world: Travelling

1. The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (UCC as advanced organiser)
http://youtu.be/i9kFUzhZnes (Part 1)

2. A travel aroud the world(reading material)

3, Various trip types

4. Travel News_London

5. Travel Stories and Photos

Lesson 12. The little Prince
Key world: English Literature

1. The little Prince (Animation for advanced organiser)

2. Secrets of Shakespeare's last home (Reading and listening)

3. James Joyce_Dubliners

4. Invisible Man

5. Frankenstein

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