Thursday 23 June 2011

Learning spoken language

Before you start criticizing others, you have to take a good look at yourself.

회상하다 look back upon (the past) ; review; retrospect; recollect; reflect upon

지난 일을 돌아보다 look back upon the past

학창 시절을 돌아보다 look back upon one´s school days

고려하다 have regard to; take notice of; think of; take (a matter) into consideration[account]; pay attention to; give heed to

앞뒤를 돌아보지 않고 without reflecting on the circumstances

돌아보지 않다 disregard; ignore; neglect; pay no attention to; leave a thing out of consideration; take no account[notice, thought, heed] of

그는 외양 따위는 돌아보지도 않는다 He has no regard to appearance.

살피며 돌다 make a round; go one´s round; patrol

공장을 돌아보다 visit[go] round a factory

* community member
* spiritual practice

How can we learn spoken language? When we think back on my childhood, I picked up my family or people around me’ spoken words and sentences, not written words. I know it is more nature stage. In case of children, if they do not understand the spoken language, they cannot easily live or be one of community members in society. So, to have children learn spoken language is important and this chapter deals with learning the spoken language.

Children need both to participate in discourse and to build up knowledge and skills for participation. To effectively develop the discourse skills of young learners, teachers need to be aware of types of discourse(organization, components, language forms, children’s developing communication skills and cognitive abilities, the importance of working outwards from the familiar, the primacy of marrative, and the educational significance of discourse.

Being aware of some features as a language teacher, we have to support children’s foreign language discourse skills effectively. We can do it by supporting through motivating topics, task structure, and language practice. In addition, short activities for learning the spoken language are also good and if it is with written language practice, literacy becomes less of a struggle and more of a tool that can be used to assist communication. Using dialogues is also effective way of learning. Dialogues provides communicative phrase that child can learn and offer contextualized sentence patterns that are not very like the spoken language.

Still I have been learning and teaching English speaking skills, I try to have some practices such as getting over any fear I might have of making mistakes, being patient by myself, and grasping good opportunities I have to speak with people in English. As a teacher, teaching good spoken skill with thoughts that “learning any language can be frustrating, but frustration won’t help them. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes” is important so that they can have more opportunities to speak out loud.

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