Tuesday 21 June 2011

Journal 4

Highlight anything that you have learned through this course and discuss why this is meaningful for your learning and instruction?

Through this course 'Studies in Teaching Second Language Reading', I learnt lots of useful, helpful, and practical knowledge, skills and strategies. Since I have been educated in intensive reading method all the time, I was so pleased that I had a good chance to be educated about ER in that I haven't meet chance to be studied in ER even though I knew that it is important and kind of best way of improving of our reading skills.

After learning the feature, dimension, materials, practice of extensive reading, certainly, I feel I learnt a lot about extensive reading. I am also writing my thesis about ER, so all things that I learnt through this course are meaningful to be honest. Through this course, I became to be an extensive reader myself. So these days, I try to read a lot both in English and in Korean.

By doing ER, I feel ER develops learner autonomy, enhances general language competence, and helps develop general, world knowledge, extends, consolidates and sustains vocabulary growth. I would like to deliver my feeling, experience, knowledge of ER to my students and make good curriculum of it.

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