Monday 20 June 2011

Journal 2

Introduce an example of ER materials with basic information, strengths and weaknesses.

Useful site 1


Basic Information:
This site creates interesting and thought-provoking content for your enjoyment. With categories covering everything from animals to tourism, Buzzle.com is our complete source for news, articles and information. We can get the latest buzz, interact with our authors and other readers on our message boards, or add to the buzz by becoming a Buzzle.com author.


(1) Various reading material topics and lot of amounts
If you go to article part of this site, there are many sections labelled from 'Animal&Pet' to 'Ziodic Sign'. Whatever you want to read, most of them are here. Also, in one topic. there are many articles to read. It provides plenty of reading materials for us.

(2) Provide related articles as well
Once we read a specific article, this site also give us related articles as well.

Weakness: Not fency design
If this site want more teenager readers, the fancy hompage design will be needed. Also, the font size is too small. It would be better if the font size will be a bit bigger.


Useful site 2


Basic Information:
This teaching English site provide free classroom materials to download, from short activities to full lesson plans, for teaching kids and adults. There are also articles on aspects of teaching, and free teacher development and teacher training materials.


(1) Teacher-centred reading materials and activities
If you go to article part of this site, there are several sections labelled 'Methodology', 'Resources', 'Pronunciation', 'Vocaubuary', 'Speaking', Listening', 'Writing', 'Literature', and 'Culture'. These are good for language teacheres for their extensive reading in this field.

(2) Easy to assess
As a teacher, since we register on TeachingEnglish and join here by starting our blogs, we can keep up to date with new materials via Facebook or subscribe to our newsletter.


(1) Not Student-friendly site
Since it has been for language teacher, there are more sources for teachers, not for students. Of course, student migh have good idear for their language learning, but, they had better find other interesting reading sites.

(2) Lack of Topic
For widening language teachers' view, it should have had more various topics of articles in this site.

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