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Tuesday, 1 June 2010

7th week of Call (14/04)

Today, we had deeply look at and differenciate between Asychronous CMC and Synchronous CMC.

After having Park, Sunmi teacher's detailed presentation, I could fully understand the major features of them.

And we learnt more about RSS(Really Simple Syndication).

Asynchronous CMC - Email, BBS(Bulletin Board System), SNS(Social Neworking System), Blogging,
- Grives learners more time to process and produce input, and may be thought to be suitable for lower-proficincy audiences as well as higher,

- Provided learners with an opporunity to produce planned, edied language output and receive subsantial generally well-formed input, but the fact that there are often time lags between sending and receiving messages may reduce learner motivation.

Synchronous CMC - Chat, Messenger, Video conferencing.
- Places a higher cognitive load on the learner, and as such is better suited to higher-proficiency learners.
- Lends itself to greater output on the part of the learners, but this is often at the expense of accuracy

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